Hi, everybody! We at CU-Boulder Research Computing are looking at using OpenStack Ironic for our HPC cluster(s). I’ve got a sysadmin background, so my initial goal is to simply use OpenStack to deploy our traditional queueing system (Slurm), and basically use OpenStack (w/Ironic) as a replacement for Cobbler, xcat, perceus, hand-rolled PXE, or whatever else sysadmin-focused PXE-based node provisioning solution one might use. That said, once we have OpenStack (and have some competency with it), we’d presumably be well positioned to offer actual cloud-y virtualization to our users, or even offer baremetal instances for direct use for some of our (presumably most trusted) users. But how about the rest of you? Are you using OpenStack in your HPC workloads today? Are you doing “traditional” virtualization? Are you using the nova-compute baremetal driver? Are you using Ironic? Something even more exotic? And, most importantly, how has it worked for you? I’ve finally got some nodes to start experimenting with, so I hope to have some real hands-on experience with Ironic soon. (So far, I’ve only been able to do traditional virtualization on some workstations.) ~jonathon