[largescale-sig] Next meeting: Mar 16th, 15utc
Hi everyone, The Large Scale SIG will be meeting this Wednesday in #openstack-operators on OFTC IRC, at 15UTC. Note that this means the meeting is one hour later than usual for people based in the US! You can doublecheck how that time translates locally at: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20220316T15 Feel free to add topics to the agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/large-scale-sig-meeting Regards, -- Thierry Carrez
Earlier today we had our SIG meeting. We discussed our next "Large Scale OpenStack" episode on OpenInfra.Live, which should feature Yahoo (ex-Oath, ex-Verizon Media), a million-core club member! We also discussed the topic of our PTG meeting, which should be centered on future steps on documenting the Large Scale Journey. You can read the meeting logs at: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/large_scale_sig/2022/large_scale_sig.2... Our next IRC meeting will be March 30, at 1500utc on #openstack-operators on OFTC. We will discuss the last details of our OILive episode and finalize the contents of our PTG session. Regards, -- Thierry Carrez
participants (1)
Thierry Carrez