Hello, We want to retrieve all hypervisors available in OpenStack using the Hypervisor API documented at https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/#list-hypervisors-details. The documentation states that the "limit" and "marker" parameters can be used to manage pagination, but they don’t seem to work as expected. Is this a problem with the API, or is there another parameter not mentioned in the documentation that we should use?
openstack hypervisor list --help There is limit on the server and it is combination of limit on server and Your limit . I dont know where it is configured and how You can change it Marker works fine --marker <marker> The UUID of the last hypervisor of the previous page; displays list of hypervisors after 'marker'. (supported with --os- compute-api-version 2.33 or above) --limit <limit> Maximum number of hypervisors to display. Note that there is a configurable max limit on the server, and the limit that is used will be the minimum of what is requested here and what is configured in the server. (supported with --os-compute-api- version 2.33 or above) --long List additional fields in output openstack hypervisor list --limit 3 --os-compute-api-version 2.33 --long Got 4 hypervisor openstack hypervisor list --limit 3 --os-compute-api-version 2.33 --long --marker 8abb4b5e-0407-405d-97d1-7a03a9a06cbe got left 2 hypervisor You can view api request by --debug atribute
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