[InteropWG] Looking for k8s Ready OpenStack / Open Infra and BMaaS Add-on Conformance Candidates
Hi all, Here is summary of Friday alternate week calls of Interop(next Oct 9th) join us on meetpad - refer https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/interop We are looking forward to prep work for PTG on October23 Monday & October 30 Friday Interop slots ( https://ethercalc.openstack.org/7xp2pcbh1ncb ) 1. Seeking Candidate for "Kubernetes Ready OpenStack" Branding - need Ideation from different Project teams with variations you seek (see eg.) eg. Distros RHSOP with Cinder CSIVIO with Swift CSI eg. Hosted version Canonical OpenStack Distro with Manila CSISUSE OpenStack with Octavia Load Balances Ingress Controller Add your ideas to - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2020-Wallaby-interop-brainstorming 2. Seeking Candidates for OpenStack ready Bare Metal as a Service Add-ons IronicMaaS Add your ideas to - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2020-Wallaby-interop-brainstorming All Vendors and PTLs interested in pursuing ideas for their next releases OpenStack or Open Infra release please add your ideas to etherpads above.Reply to this chain and we will try consolidate Interop in Bare metal & K8s era. ThanksPrakash / MarkFor InteropWG
participants (1)