[ISSUE]instances cannot ping on different compute nodes
Dear Sir, We are testing in OpenStack (Stein) + OpenDaylight (Neon) + Open vSwitch (v2.11.1). It's an all-in-one deployment (OPNFV-9.0.0). The instances can ping each other on the same compute node, but cannot ping each other if instances are on different compute nodes. *Cmp001: * ============================================= Manager "tcp:" is_connected: true Bridge br-floating Port "ens6" Interface "ens6" Port br-floating Interface br-floating type: internal Port br-floating-int-patch Interface br-floating-int-patch type: patch options: {peer=br-floating-pa} Bridge br-int Controller "tcp:" is_connected: true fail_mode: secure Port "tun9a4f2733bb3" Interface "tun9a4f2733bb3" type: vxlan options: {exts=gpe, key=flow, local_ip="", remote_ip=flow} Port "tap59535eb9-ef" Interface "tap59535eb9-ef" Port br-floating-pa Interface br-floating-pa type: patch options: {peer=br-floating-int-patch} Port "tapc58e6fd1-cf" Interface "tapc58e6fd1-cf" Port "tap8bb9f6de-a9" Interface "tap8bb9f6de-a9" Port "tap5f490693-e5" Interface "tap5f490693-e5" Port "tund818d69b326" Interface "tund818d69b326" type: vxlan options: {exts=gpe, key=flow, local_ip="", remote_ip=""} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Port "tapef79fa77-ab" Interface "tapef79fa77-ab" Port "tapa9e63637-8a" Interface "tapa9e63637-8a" ovs_version: "2.11.1" ============================================= *Cmp002:* ============================================= Manager "tcp:" is_connected: true Manager "ptcp:6640:" Bridge br-floating Port br-floating-int-patch Interface br-floating-int-patch type: patch options: {peer=br-floating-pa} Port br-floating Interface br-floating type: internal Port "ens6" Interface "ens6" Bridge br-int Controller "tcp:" is_connected: true fail_mode: secure Port br-floating-pa Interface br-floating-pa type: patch options: {peer=br-floating-int-patch} Port "tap50868440-95" Interface "tap50868440-95" Port "tapa496a81b-0c" Interface "tapa496a81b-0c" Port "tun8d223879efb" Interface "tun8d223879efb" type: vxlan options: {exts=gpe, key=flow, local_ip="", remote_ip=flow} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal Port "tun941edf0fa60" Interface "tun941edf0fa60" type: vxlan options: {exts=gpe, key=flow, local_ip="", remote_ip=""} ovs_version: "2.11.1" ====================================================== Could you give us some advice? Thanks. Regards, Zack [image: Mailtrack] <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> Sender notified by Mailtrack <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> 03/15/21, 03:56:22 PM
participants (1)
Jhen-Hao Yu