[RelMgmt] Victoria PTG Schedule
Hello release team, In our weekly meeting we had discussed a couple of time slots for the virtual PTG that could work for the team. We were waiting on the TC sessions to be set before picking one to avoid conflicts though. Those TC sessions are now set, so it looks like we will need to take the earlier timeslot. I have put us down for the Folsom room for 13UTC-14UTC. I have started an etherpad here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-victoria-ptg We can still capture things in our tracking etherpad, but if we end up needing to take any other notes, please add them to the PTG etherpad. Also, feel free to add anything in there ahead of the PTG to make sure we cover anything that we want to discuss. Let me know if there are any questions or concerns. Sean
participants (1)
Sean McGinnis