[nova][dev] 3 weeks until feature freeze
Howdy all, We've about 3 weeks left until feature freeze milestone s-3 on March 7: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Stein_Release_Schedule Non-client library freeze is in 2 weeks February 28, so if you need changes released in Stein for os-vif, os-traits, or os-resource-classes, they need to be merged by Feb 28 and the releases will be proposed on Feb 28. Ping us if you need review. I've updated the blueprint status tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-stein-blueprint-status For our Cycle Themes: Multi-cell operational enhancements: The patch series for the API microversion for handling of down cells on the nova side has all been approved as of today. Only the python-novaclient change remains. Counting quota usage from placement is still an active WIP. Cross-cell resize is still making good progress with active code review. Compute nodes able to upgrade and exist with nested resource providers for multiple vGPU types: The libvirt driver reshaper patch has been updated today but needs some fixes for unit test failures. Volume-backed user experience and API improvement: The detach boot volume and volume-backed server rebuild patches are active WIP. If you are the owner of an approved blueprint, please: * Add the blueprint if I've missed it * Update the status if it is not accurate * If your blueprint is in the "Wayward changes" section, please upload and update patches as soon as you can, to allow maximum time for review * If your patches are noted as Merge Conflict or WIP or needing an update, please update them and update the status on the etherpad * Add a note under your blueprint if you're no longer able to work on it this cycle Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with your blueprint. Cheers, -melanie
participants (1)
melanie witt