[tripleo] meeting notes from the last two weeks
Greetings, I need to see why the openstack meeting bot is not in the #tripleo channel. A record was not automatically kept.. so here is the raw txt from the last two meetings.. I'll get the bot fixed asap. Meeting notes March 24 2020 [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> #topic agenda [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * Review past action items [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * One off agenda items [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * Squad status [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * Bugs & Blueprints [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * Projects releases or stable backports [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * Specs [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> * open discussion [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ [08:00:44] <weshay|ruck> Hey folks! who's around? [08:00:57] <ekultails> o/ [08:00:59] <arxcruz|rover> o/ [08:01:03] <rlandy> o/ [08:01:11] <tkajinam> o/ [08:01:18] <rfolco> o/ [08:01:24] <pkopec> o/ [08:01:41] <owalsh> o/ [08:01:45] <jbadiapa> o/ [08:02:24] <ysandeep> ysandeep, o/ [08:02:27] <weshay|ruck> #topic review past action items [08:02:27] <weshay|ruck> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2020/ [08:02:42] <weshay|ruck> anyone need to raise anything from a previous meeting? [08:03:07] <weshay|ruck> None. [08:03:07] <weshay|ruck> #topic one off agenda items [08:03:07] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items [08:03:17] <Tengu> «o/ [08:03:18] <weshay|ruck> I added two items to the agenda.. [08:03:27] <weshay|ruck> please add something if you have it.. [08:03:53] * weshay|ruck notes that rdo-cloud the 3rd party ci platform is in a scheduled maint window today [08:04:03] <openstackgerrit> Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Refactorize test_tht_ansible_syntax to welcome new roles/modules https://review.opendev.org/713669 [08:04:05] <weshay|ruck> the ctrl plane is moving to vexxhost [08:04:10] <openstackgerrit> Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: standalone/overcloud: enable the HA deployment by default https://review.opendev.org/359060 [08:04:16] <weshay|ruck> should be back by tomorrow [08:04:18] <openstackgerrit> Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Deprecate Keepalived service https://review.opendev.org/657067 [08:04:28] <fultonj> o/ [08:04:33] <marios> hi [08:04:36] <weshay|ruck> any questions? [08:04:43] <weshay|ruck> EmilienM, stop working :) [08:04:45] <cloudnull> o/ [08:04:49] <leanderthal> o/ [08:04:50] <sshnaidm> o/ [08:04:53] <EmilienM> o/ [08:05:01] <weshay|ruck> leanderthal, you may want to get the testday on the agenda :) [08:05:12] <leanderthal> ooOOOooh good call [08:05:19] <weshay|ruck> ok.. the next topic is around bugs [08:05:34] <beagles> o/ [08:05:49] <weshay|ruck> we were up to 60 untriaged bugs last week.. a lot of folks do NOT have access to self triage and that's fine [08:06:09] <weshay|ruck> but if are a member of the tripleo org in launchpad.. we'd hope that you do follow the triage process [08:06:15] <sshnaidm> don't we run a meeting bot? [08:06:21] <weshay|ruck> So Question for the group... [08:06:23] <weshay|ruck> sshnaidm, yes [08:06:38] <weshay|ruck> but maybe it's down.. ? [08:06:40] <weshay|ruck> don't know [08:07:06] <weshay|ruck> Question... Any objects to closing any bugs in marked "New" ( untriaged ) older than 365 days? [08:07:11] <weshay|ruck> objection rather [08:07:17] <marios> weshay|ruck: sounds good to me [08:07:25] <beagles> k [08:07:31] <marios> weshay|ruck: but 'latest updated ' date right? [08:07:45] <weshay|ruck> ya.. I'll account for that... good point [08:07:47] <marios> weshay|ruck: not filed? maybe doesn't matter 365 is long enough that it either /or [08:07:50] <chandankumar> fultonj, fmount https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1868731 thanks for looking into that [08:07:51] <openstack> Launchpad bug 1868731 in tripleo "ceph_ansible_skip_tags is getting ignored during multinode overcloud deploy" [Critical,Triaged] [08:07:56] <beagles> (wrong window) but yeah, that sounds reasonable [08:08:02] * florianf (~flfuchs@2a02:8109:9280:1aa8:8bb0:31ca:8557:482c) has joined [08:08:09] <fultonj> chandankumar: thanks [08:08:15] <weshay|ruck> I'll send an email to the list to have folks reopen if they need it [08:08:30] <weshay|ruck> ok.. seeing no objections... we'll go ahead and clean it up :) [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #topic one off agenda items [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #topic Active Squad status [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> ci [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw?both [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> validations [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> ceph-integration [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> transformation [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ansible-agenda [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> mistral-to-ansible [08:08:47] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-mistral-to-ansible [08:09:00] <weshay|ruck> any reviews needed by the squads? [08:09:05] * TrevorV (~TrevorV@130-45-79-246.dyn.grandenetworks.net) has joined [08:09:17] <Tengu> validations: we have our package under TripleO governance! [08:09:25] <Tengu> it's been merged today. [08:09:50] <weshay|ruck> rdo governance :) [08:09:51] <cloudnull> weshay|ruck the following reviews would be great to get some eyes on - https://review.opendev.org/#/q/starredby:cloudnull+status:open,n,z [08:10:12] <weshay|ruck> thanks cloudnull [08:10:41] <weshay|ruck> fultonj, I mentioned this earlier.. but ansible 2.9 is being tested along side the latest ceph-ansible.. I don't have a ton of detail on that [08:11:02] * derekh (~derekh@ has joined [08:11:15] <weshay|ruck> ok.. let's move on [08:11:19] <fultonj> weshay|ruck: ack [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> #topic Moderately Active Squads [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> Ironic-integration [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ironic-integration-squad-status [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> upgrade [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-upgrade-squad-status [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> edge [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-edge-squad-status [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> networking [08:11:26] <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-networking-squad-status [08:11:47] <weshay|ruck> probably nothing new here [08:11:59] <weshay|ruck> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/ussuri-3 [08:12:31] <weshay|ruck> 5 New, 28 Incomplete, 4 Invalid, 4 Won't Fix, 4 Confirmed, 385 Triaged, 120 In Progress, 2 Fix Committed, 151 Fix Released [08:12:50] <weshay|ruck> not bad on the bug counts.. I guess [08:13:00] <weshay|ruck> Storyboard bugs. [08:13:00] <weshay|ruck> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 [08:13:48] <cloudnull> weshay|ruck we've recently updated the mistral_to_ansible board - https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/208 [08:14:17] <weshay|ruck> very nice.. [08:14:31] <weshay|ruck> k.. will include that in the future [08:14:53] <weshay|ruck> There are two blueprints not started for ussuri [08:14:54] <weshay|ruck> Medium tripleo-firewall-rule-reporting New Not started ussuri [08:14:54] <weshay|ruck> Medium remove-puppet Drafting Not started Emilien Macchi ussuri [08:15:02] * amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej [08:15:20] <weshay|ruck> EmilienM, maybe we move that to the next release or future at this point... [08:15:30] <weshay|ruck> April 20th is m3 I think [08:15:52] <weshay|ruck> and dsneddon owns https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/tripleo-firewall-rule-reporti... [08:16:10] <weshay|ruck> #topic specs [08:16:10] <weshay|ruck> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open [08:16:39] <weshay|ruck> reviews for luke please https://review.opendev.org/#/c/698828/ on [08:16:39] <weshay|ruck> Add spec for AWX integration. [08:16:55] <weshay|ruck> #topic open discussion [08:16:55] <weshay|ruck> Anything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting? [08:17:07] <EmilienM> weshay|ruck: i'll probably abandon it for now [08:17:12] <weshay|ruck> k.. thanks [08:17:27] <weshay|ruck> anyone else ? [08:17:30] <weshay|ruck> going once [08:17:36] <weshay|ruck> going twice [08:17:43] <marios> weshay|ruck: [08:17:46] <weshay|ruck> #endmeeting tripleo [08:17:49] <marios> do we wantto consider virtual ptg [08:17:53] <marios> weshay|ruck: ? [08:17:54] <weshay|ruck> I'll save the meeting notes [08:17:57] <marios> weshay|ruck: next time then [08:17:58] <marios> ... [08:17:58] <weshay|ruck> marios, that's still not clear [08:18:04] <weshay|ruck> but most likely [08:18:06] <cloudnull> +1 for virt ptg Meeting notes from March 30 2020 <weshay> #topic agenda [08:01:02] <weshay> * Review past action items [08:01:02] <weshay> * One off agenda items [08:01:02] <weshay> * Squad status [08:01:02] <weshay> * Bugs & Blueprints [08:01:02] <weshay> * Projects releases or stable backports [08:01:02] <weshay> * Specs [08:01:02] <weshay> * open discussion [08:01:02] <weshay> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ [08:01:02] <weshay> Hey folks! who's around? [08:01:08] <EmilienM> o/ [08:01:18] <ekultails> o/ [08:01:20] <Tengu> ybe [08:01:22] <fultonj> o/ [08:01:24] <rlandy> o/ [08:01:27] <weshay> EmilienM, aye.. I'll get into that [08:01:28] <Tengu> *maybe [08:02:28] <tkajinam> o/ [08:02:30] <ysandeep|rover> o/ [08:02:36] <mwhahaha> o/ [08:02:42] <chandankumar> \o/ [08:04:24] <marios> o/ [08:05:05] <beagles> o/ [08:05:05] <weshay> #topic review past action items [08:05:05] <weshay> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2020/ [08:05:05] <weshay> None. [08:05:14] <weshay> #topic one off agenda items [08:05:14] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items [08:05:27] <weshay> ok.. virt ptg.. /me pastes from the agenda some info [08:05:38] <weshay> * Virtual PTG for TripleO [08:05:38] <weshay> * https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-victoria-topics [08:05:38] <weshay> * http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/foundation/2020-March/002854.html [08:05:38] <weshay> * https://www.openstack.org/events/opendev-ptg-2020/ [08:05:38] <weshay> * https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Virtual_PTG_Planning?_ga=2.148734014.820591... [08:05:38] <weshay> [08:05:38] <weshay> * planning email sent out by foundation - dates for ptg virt event not yet know. [08:05:38] <weshay> * dates for planning [08:05:38] <weshay> - April 2nd at 12:00 UTC [08:05:38] <weshay> - April 6th at 17:00 UTC [08:05:38] <weshay> - April 7th at 2:00 UTC [08:05:38] <weshay> [08:05:53] <arxcruz> o/ [08:06:08] <weshay> I'm going to join the last two mtgs there on the 6th and 7th... [08:06:38] <weshay> once we get dates.. we'll be sending out a email to confirm who would like to attend.. just like previous in person ptg's [08:07:05] <weshay> any questions about the ptg in general before we get into tripleo specific ptg topics [08:07:17] <weshay> hello [08:07:23] <weshay> is it me your looking for? [08:07:23] <marios> weshay: hav we considered the details ... sessions will be in bluejeans? or irc? [08:07:26] <marios> weshay: timezones? [08:07:30] marios maciejjozefczyk Madkiss mandre marbindrakon matbu [08:07:38] <marios> weshay: ah i see you have time already there [08:07:43] <weshay> marios, I assume that will be addressed in these planning sessions [08:08:02] <weshay> note.. those dates are NOT the ptg.. they are PLANNING events FOR the ptg [08:08:05] <weshay> :) [08:08:06] <gfidente> o/ [08:08:07] <marios> weshay: k (the times you have there are for the planning) [08:08:07] <marios> ack [08:08:12] <weshay> aye [08:08:25] <weshay> there is a sign up sheet for the planning.. if you are interested [08:08:34] <weshay> OK.. thanks for responding [08:08:36] <weshay> marios++ [08:08:37] <marios> weshay: perhaps this can just be worked out amongst the folks interested in each session... and we don't need to mandate a way/time [08:08:57] <weshay> there is no mandate for ptg.. volunteers only :) [08:09:08] <weshay> so.. TLDR.. details pending on ptg [08:09:15] <weshay> now for tripleo [08:09:15] <weshay> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-victoria-topics [08:09:37] <weshay> as usual.. please add topics to this list, w/o topics we have no agenda [08:09:57] <weshay> I'll be adding a few myself :) [08:09:59] <marios> weshay: we could overview/presentation about the component pipeline & how it affect how we promote now [08:10:05] * markllama (~mark5163@ has joined [08:10:07] marios maciejjozefczyk Madkiss mandre marbindrakon markllama matbu [08:10:13] <EmilienM> marios++ [08:10:44] <weshay> marios, yes.. usually there is an hour for CI at the ptg.. the new dlrn structure and component based ci is a good topic imho [08:11:02] <Tengu> +42 [08:11:42] <weshay> I would assume that new features.. validation, ansible collections, tripleo-operators should be added to the topic list [08:11:48] <weshay> tripleo-ansible etc [08:12:09] <weshay> any questions about tripleo + ptg? [08:12:27] <Tengu> I'll check with my folks about the validation part. [08:12:32] <weshay> +1 [08:12:39] <Tengu> maybe the container would be nice. [08:13:11] <weshay> EmilienM, you have anything to add? [08:13:36] <EmilienM> not now, indeed we need to come with more topics [08:13:44] <EmilienM> I'll try to gather some from the team [08:14:05] <weshay> ya.. I am looking for parity from previous ptg's.. minus the last one [08:14:32] <weshay> we did not have a lot of folks in china for the last ptg.. and I would expect a backlog of topics [08:14:45] <weshay> so we'll be covering that here for a few weeks I'm sure [08:14:47] <weshay> anyhoo [08:14:50] <weshay> #topic Active Squad status [08:14:50] <weshay> ci [08:14:50] <weshay> #link https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw?both [08:14:50] <weshay> validations [08:14:50] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status [08:14:50] <weshay> ceph-integration [08:14:50] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status [08:14:50] <weshay> transformation [08:14:50] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ansible-agenda [08:14:50] <weshay> mistral-to-ansible [08:14:50] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-mistral-to-ansible [08:14:56] <weshay> where is the bot? [08:14:57] * haleyb (haleyb@nat/redhat/x-koblohkdhoozsgkh) has joined [08:15:09] <weshay> dang [08:15:26] <weshay> second week in a row.. I'll look into why the meeting bot is not active.. [08:15:32] * bogdando has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:15:48] <weshay> ok.. the point now of calling squads... again... is to facilitate reviews [08:16:02] <weshay> in a more public fashion [08:16:20] <cloudnull> o/ [08:16:27] <weshay> so just a reminder... guidance is to spend 30-60 minutes per day reviewing other peoples code [08:16:32] * bnemec (~bnemec@96-41-255-59.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com) has joined [08:16:55] <weshay> if you are not doing that.. you're doing opensource wrong :) [08:17:00] <cloudnull> ++ [08:17:32] <weshay> so.. w/o calling out folks specifically... anything that needs attention? [08:18:12] <cloudnull> work on removing mistral is going great: https://review.opendev.org/#/q/starredby:cloudnull+status:open,n,z - these are some reviews that are inflight and we'd greatly appreciate if folks could take a look at them. [08:18:21] <weshay> ++ [08:18:35] <marios> weshay: '3 a day' ;) [08:18:42] <weshay> ++ [08:18:49] <marios> used to be a minimum requirement to be core [08:19:08] <weshay> ya.. hasn't changed.. [08:19:21] * markllama has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:19:24] <marios> weshay: yeah but it used to be enforced more enthusiastically ;) [08:19:26] <weshay> well.. I can show everyone what we look for in cores.. I'll add that to next weeks agenda [08:19:36] <marios> s/enthusiastically/stricly [08:19:41] <marios> strictly even you know what i mean [08:19:49] <weshay> ya.. VERY open in ideas to help facilitate reviews.. [08:20:04] <weshay> all projects struggle w/ that.. but new ideas are welcome [08:20:18] <openstackgerrit> Rabi Mishra proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Fix _get_image() of GlanceClientAdapter to call find_image() https://review.opendev.org/716277 [08:20:20] <weshay> ok.. /me ends the lecture [08:20:31] <weshay> #topic Moderately Active Squads [08:20:31] <weshay> Ironic-integration [08:20:31] <weshay> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ironic-integration-squad-status [08:20:31] <weshay> upgrade [08:20:31] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-upgrade-squad-status [08:20:31] <weshay> edge [08:20:31] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-edge-squad-status [08:20:31] <weshay> networking [08:20:31] <weshay> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-networking-squad-status [08:20:31] <weshay> Any squad wanting to bring up their status, or a topic for the general public? [08:20:47] <weshay> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/ussuri-3 [08:20:58] <Tengu> validations: we're aiming to get our code in train [08:21:08] <Tengu> at least for the new packages - validations-common and validations-libs. [08:21:16] <weshay> 5 New, 28 Incomplete, 5 Invalid, 5 Won't Fix, 4 Confirmed, 378 Triaged, 120 In Progress, 2 Fix Committed, 189 Fix Released [08:21:26] <weshay> Tengu++ [08:21:46] <Tengu> doing so will allow to get a clean code and, well, make our life easier on Red Hat side. [08:21:49] <weshay> Tengu, I see ptg topics in your future :) [08:22:00] * bnemec has quit (Read error: No route to host) [08:22:03] <Tengu> weshay: yep, maybe ;). [08:22:19] <Tengu> (hint: just dropped a mail to my team ;)) [08:22:21] <weshay> so.. bug triage will continue as I have time... just a reminder anything older than 365 days and in new.. will be closed [08:22:40] <weshay> Storyboard bugs. [08:22:40] <weshay> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 [08:23:02] <weshay> reminder.. be nice to the infra folks and folks driving storyboard... volunteer effort there.. [08:23:16] <openstackgerrit> Martin Kopec proposed openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs master: Extend infrared molecule tests https://review.opendev.org/705552 [08:24:27] * weshay notes... [08:24:40] <weshay> now is the time to start thinking about blueprints and specs for the next cycle [08:24:49] <weshay> here's a dump on ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium ansible-certmonger Approved Unknown Cédric Jeanneret ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium ironic-overcloud-ci Approved Slow progress Derek Higgins ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium multiarch-support Approved Good progress Tony Breeds ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium nova-less-deploy Approved Good progress Steve Baker ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium replace-keepalived-undercloud Approved Good progress Emilien Macchi ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium split-controlplane-workflow Approved Unknown ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium remove-puppet Drafting Not started Emilien Macchi ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Medium tripleo-firewall-rule-reporting New Not started ussuri [08:24:50] <weshay> Undefined tripleo-mistral-to-ansible Approved Good progress Dougal Matthews ussuri [08:25:07] * Tengu hides [08:25:34] <openstackgerrit> Martin Kopec proposed openstack/ansible-role-collect-logs master: Extend infrared molecule tests https://review.opendev.org/705552 [08:25:48] <weshay> ekultails, looks like progress on https://review.opendev.org/698828 [08:25:56] <weshay> Add spec for AWX integration. [08:25:58] <weshay> FYI ^ [08:26:17] <EmilienM> replace-keepalived-undercloud is WIP and waiting on HA byd efault, blocked by not having upgrade jobs on centos8 [08:26:29] <EmilienM> remove-puppet is not in progress, I'm not working on it [08:26:30] <Tengu> for the ansible-certmonger, it's in the Security capable hands, not mine... I just pushed the idea ^^' [08:26:48] <Tengu> ade_lee: -^^ [08:26:55] <weshay> aye.. EmilienM working in the background on that for you... getting advice on the priority for train + centos8 [08:27:43] <weshay> need help reviewing https://review.opendev.org/#/c/715734/ Add new project and repository for tripleo-compute-extras [08:27:45] <weshay> as well folks [08:28:08] <weshay> k.. /moving on [08:28:12] <weshay> #topic open discussion [08:28:12] <weshay> Anything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting? [08:28:26] <weshay> FYI.. I've nominated myself for ptl in victoria.. [08:28:32] <EmilienM> yay! [08:28:34] <Tengu> weshay: you'll get my vote for ptl :) [08:28:45] <fultonj> +1 [08:28:59] * zzzeek has quit (Quit: bye) [08:29:00] <weshay> I would like to help others this cycle better understand what is involved.. and the how-to's to the best of my ability :) [08:29:21] <weshay> so if you are interested in perhaps being ptl.. after victoria.. let me know and I'm happy to walk through it [08:29:50] <weshay> that's it from me.. anyone else have anything new? [08:30:14] <weshay> once [08:30:15] <weshay> twice [08:30:18] <weshay> #endmeeting tripleo [08:30:23] <weshay> thanks all :)
On 2020-03-31 08:34:37 -0600 (-0600), Wesley Hayutin wrote:
I need to see why the openstack meeting bot is not in the #tripleo channel. A record was not automatically kept.. so here is the raw txt from the last two meetings.. I'll get the bot fixed asap. [...]
The bot's been there: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23tripleo/%23tripleo.2020-03-31.log.... Looks like it never saw you issue a "#startmeeting tripleo" to initiate the meeting. -- Jeremy Stanley
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 5:11 PM Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:
On 2020-03-31 08:34:37 -0600 (-0600), Wesley Hayutin wrote:
I need to see why the openstack meeting bot is not in the #tripleo channel. A record was not automatically kept.. so here is the raw txt from the last two meetings.. I'll get the bot fixed asap. [...]
The bot's been there:
Looks like it never saw you issue a "#startmeeting tripleo" to initiate the meeting. -- Jeremy Stanley
Thanks Jeremy! You are correct, after I checked my notes.. I have a slash in front of the pound e.g. /#startmeeting tripleo. Cut and paste fail in my template for the meeting. Thanks
participants (2)
Jeremy Stanley
Wesley Hayutin