[all] Gate issues and memory pressure; can you help?
Hi all, As some of you are aware, keeping the OpenStack CI system operating is a massive amount of work, and it's a team effort. Along those lines, we continue to have issues with CI, and memory pressure is a common thread. Recently at a TC meeting[0] we discussed how the gate is using more ram -- now in the form of swap. One additional concern is that this memory usage increase may be reflective of what our users are experiencing -- bugs that we need to fix for the sake of our users. A specific target of concern is oslo.privsep[1], but generally a need for an audit of memory usages of OpenStack services would be of significant value to the community. If you're interested in taking on this work, please reach out here, on the mailing list, or in any relevant #openstack-* channel, such as #openstack-tc. In any event, don't wait for permission! Take action and see if you can make things better, even a little bit. Thanks, Jay Faulkner OpenStack TC Chair 0: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-02-20-18.00.log.html 1: https://opendev.org/openstack/oslo.privsep
participants (1)
Jay Faulkner