[tc][all] OpenStack Technical Committee Weekly Summary and Meeting Agenda (2025.1/R-25)
Hello Stackers, This week, we begin our 26-week endeavor towards the next SLURP release, 2025.1 ("Epoxy") [1]. OpenStack Project Teams will meet virtually at the Project Teams Gathering (PTG) in two weeks, starting on 2024-10-21 [2]. The OpenStack TC plans to host cross project meetings during the following time slots: - 2024-10-21 (Monday): 1400 UTC - 1700 UTC - 2024-10-25 (Friday): 1500 UTC - 1700 UTC You'll find the proposed topics on the PTG Etherpad [3]; please add your IRC nickname if you'd like to attend or be notified when discussions begin. Last week, a few community leads presented at OpenInfra Live, recapping the 2024.2 release [4]. I encourage you to watch the presentation and follow the themes each team is pursuing in the "Epoxy" release cycle. I'm excited to share that the organizers of the upcoming OpenInfra Days North America (Oct 15-16) have made it a hybrid event. Please register if you plan to attend virtually [5]. === Weekly Meeting === The last weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee was held simultaneously on IRC [6] and video [7]. We discussed meeting times, and the current time (Tuesdays at 1800 UTC) was retained due to a lack of consensus on better alternatives. Sylvain Bauza (bauzas) volunteered to be an Election Official for the 2025.2 elections, which will be announced around February 2025. We also discussed "leaderless" projects for the 2025.1 release and appointed leaders for the OpenStack Mistral, OpenStack Watcher, and OpenStack Swift projects. Additionally, we created a TC tracker for the 2025.1 release cycle [8] to monitor the progress of community goals and other governance initiatives. The next OpenStack Technical Committee meeting is today (2024-10-08) at 1800 UTC on the #openstack-tc IRC channel on OFTC. You can find the agenda on the weekly meeting wiki page [9]. I hope you can join us! Below is a list of governance changes that have merged in the past week and those still pending community review. === Governance Proposals === ==== Merged ==== - Appoint Tim Burke as PTL for Swift | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/928881 ==== Open for Review ==== - Mark kuryr-kubernetes and kuryr-tempest-plugin inactive | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/929698 - Add Axel Vanzaghi as PTL for Mistral | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/927962 - Propose the eventlet-removal community goal | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/931254 === Upcoming Events === - 2024-10-08: OpenInfra Monthly Board Meeting: https://board.openinfra.dev/ - 2024-10-15: OpenInfra Days NA, Indianapolis: https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/oid-iu/ - 2024-10-21: OpenInfra Project Teams Gathering: https://openinfra.dev/ptg/ Thank you for reading! On behalf of the OpenStack TC, Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr) OpenStack TC Chair [1] 2025.1 "Epoxy" Release Schedule: https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html [2] "Epoxy" PTG Schedule: https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html [3] Technical Committee PTG Etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2024-ptg-os-tc [4] "Introducing OpenStack Dalmatian 2024.2": https://youtu.be/6igJNIJ9yFE [5] OpenInfra Days NA: https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/oid-iu/index.html#register [6] TC Meeting IRC Log, 2024-10-01: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2024/tc.2024-10-01-18.00.log.html [7] TC Meeting Video Recording, 2024-10-01: https://youtu.be/6RXE1LfEv7w [8] 2025.1 TC Tracker: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2025.1-tracker [9] TC Meeting Agenda, 2024-10-08: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting
participants (1)
Goutham Pacha Ravi