Help with [masakari]
Hi, i have recently started working on Masakari (kubernetes in openstack) so i wanted some help with it please i was trying to test the masakari-instance-monitor & masakari-host-monitor but having trouble with it. i have created a pacemaker remote cluster (with pacemaker & corosync on controller nodes and pacemaker remote on compute node). inside masakari-instance-monitor pods i see *cat /etc/masakari/masakarimonitors.conf[DEFAULT]debug = truehostname = lab-11053-26006-cmp-1.cluster.local,lab-11053-26006-cmp-2.cluster.local,lab-11053-26006-cmp-3.cluster.local* but still im getting this error,it is still trying to find the short hostname. *2024-01-05 08:32:39.494 1 WARNING masakarimonitors.ha.masakari [-] Retry sending a notification. (BadRequestException: 400: Client Error for url: http://masakari-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local:15868/v1/9db00e10af034fc6a4d... <http://masakari-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local:15868/v1/9db00e10af034fc6a4d50813131ae3a6/notifications>, Host with name lab-11053-26006-cmp-1 could not be found.): openstack.exceptions.BadRequestException: BadRequestException: 400: Client Error for url: http://masakari-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local:15868/v1/9db00e10af034fc6a4d... <http://masakari-api.openstack.svc.cluster.local:15868/v1/9db00e10af034fc6a4d50813131ae3a6/notifications>, Host with name lab-11053-26006-cmp-1 could not be found.* do you hvae some suggestions to resolve this *2 - question do i have to create some notification and vmoves in openstack(masakari)?* openstack notification create <type> <hostname> <generated_time> <payload> *3 - host monitor also kinda doesnt work ,*when i tried to test the masakari host monitor by manually powering off the compute node, masakari should move the vms from powered off computes to some running compute but after the compute is powered off vms still remains on the powered off compute. Am i missing some conf? is there any need to add some conf in nova and keystone too? *4 - i have disabled "*pcs property set stonith-enabled=false" does it needs to be enabled and setup? 5- is there any other channels(slack) when i can contact teams directly?
participants (1)
Shubham Kumar Yadav