[neutron] Using address scopes in a DVR environment breaks floating IPs
Hi all, I hope to get some advice here if we’re doing something wrong or ran into a bug. We have an OpenStack environment (wallaby) with Distributed Virtual Router (DVR) enabled (compute nodes use DVR_NO_EXTERNAL agent mode, network nodes use DVR_SNAT) and we would like to onboard our provider network to a subnet pool part of an address scope to allow routed self-service networks. But as soon as the provider network is part of an address scope, the floating IP feature stops working. After debugging we found that adding the network to an address scope results in an additional set of firewall rules in the router and snat network namespaces which blocks cross-scope traffic. But floating IPs should be the exception to that and there are indeed rules that explicitly allow them by setting a mark in the iptables mangle table: -A neutron-l3-agent-floatingip -d <floating-ip>/32 -i qg-<random-id> -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4000000/0xffff0000 We can find these rules in the qrouter namespaces, but they’re missing in the snat namespaces. If we add the rule manually to the snat namespace, the floating IP is working again. If we switch the compute nodes to DVR agent mode, it also works, as the snat namespace is not used. I have already searched for bugs and changes in the DVR router code since wallaby but can’t find anything which is not already patched in wallaby. So, I’m wondering if we have an unsupported setup with combining dynamic routing with DVR and centralized network nodes or facing a long running neutron bug. Maybe someone has a similar setup or can confirm that this use case should be supported? Regards, Lukas
participants (1)
Lukas Steiner