[ironic] [ptg] PTG week schedule
Hi ironicers! The PTG is next week, and I'd like to share our plans for it. We don't have anything planned on Monday, and the weekly meeting is cancelled as well. 2-hour slots are reserved Tuesday to Friday 14:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC in the Liberty room. The up-to-date schedule and notes are available on https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Ironic-VictoriaPTG-Planning, the current version is as follows: Tue, Jun 2nd: 14:00-15:00: Releases, perceptions and our place in the world: governance and perceptions 15:00-16:00: Releases, perceptions and our place in the world: standalone future Wed, Jun 3rd: 14:00-15:00: Deployment Efficency 15:00-16:00: Aborting non-waiting transient states Thu, Jun 4th: 14:00-15:00: Fishy future 15:00-16:00: IPAM integrations outside of Neutron Fri, Jun 5th: 14:00-15:00: Operator suggestions/feedback/painpoints 15:00-16:00: Ideas and brainstorming I would like to highlight the operators feedback slot on Friday at 14:00 UTC. We would like to hear more opinions from people running ironic! Please join us. Hear from you soon, Dmitry
participants (1)
Dmitry Tantsur