[senlin] Rolling updates issues future support and alternatives
Hello folks, We are attempting to find a solution for tenants in our OpenStack environment and have been testing Senlin for auto-scaling, auto-healing and rolling updates. The goal is similar functionality to AWS auto-scaling groups. Auto-scaling and health check functionality is working properly but we are getting some errors when attempting to update Senlin clusters to new profiles. Specifically, we would like to update VM user_data and VM images and roll those changes out in alignment with batch policies. The Senlin clusters attempt to update but fail with errors in the senlin_engine logs either related to lack of support for user_data updates or duplicate images when updating images in the profile. Proxy.rebuild_server() got multiple values for argument 'image' 2024-01-11 16:16:10.050 1009 ERROR senlin.profiles.base [] The following properties are not updatable: user_data. 16:10.086 1009 ERROR senlin.engine.event [] NODE_UPDATE[] error: Node update failed. Is anyone able to help with a path forward as well as provide any input on future support for Senlin as I saw some messages related to it no longer being supported? If so, can anyone recommend OpenStack project alternatives to achieve autoscaling, auto-healing and rolling updates for tenant VMs? Thanks in advance for any help, Devin
participants (1)
Devin Patterson