[release] Release countdown for week R-8, February 11-15
Your long awaited countdown email... Development Focus ----------------- It's probably a good time for teams to take stock of their library and client work that needs to be completed yet. The non-client library freeze is coming up, followed closely by the client lib freeze. Please plan accordingly so avoid any last minute rushes to get key functionality in. General Information ------------------- We have a few deadlines coming up as we get closer to the end of the cycle: * Non-client libraries (generally, any library that is not python-${PROJECT}client) must have a final release by February 28. Only critical bugfixes will be allowed past this point. Please make sure any important feature works has required library changes by this time. * Client libraries must have a final release by March 7. We will be proposing a few patches to switch some cycle-with-intermediary deliverables over to cycle-with-rc if they are not actually doing intermediary releases. PTLs and release liaisons, please watch for being added to any of those reviews. If the switch is not desired, this is a good time to do an intermediary release if you have been putting it off. More information can be found in our post to the mailing list back in December: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2018-December/000465.... It is also a good time to start planning what highlights you want for your project team in the cycle highlights: Background on cycle-highlights: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-December/125613.html Project Team Guide, Cycle-Highlights: https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html#cycle-... knelson [at] openstack.org/diablo_rojo on IRC is available if you need help selecting or writing your highlights Upcoming Deadlines & Dates -------------------------- Non-client library freeze: February 28 Stein-3 milestone: March 7 -- Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)
participants (1)
Sean McGinnis