[release] Release countdown for week R-8, August 19-23
Your long awaited countdown email... Development Focus ----------------- It's probably a good time for teams to take stock of their library and client work that needs to be completed yet. The non-client library freeze is coming up, followed closely by the client lib freeze. Please plan accordingly to avoid any last minute rushes to get key functionality in. General Information ------------------- Looking ahead to Train-3, please be aware of the feature freeze dates. Those vary depending on deliverable type: * General libraries (except client libraries) need to have their last feature release before Non-client library freeze (September 05). Their stable branches are cut early. * Client libraries (think python-*client libraries) need to have their last feature release before Client library freeze (September 12) * Deliverables following a cycle-with-rc model (that would be most services) observe a Feature freeze on that same date, September 12. Any feature addition beyond that date should be discussed on the mailing-list and get PTL approval. * After feature freeze, cycle-with-rc deliverables need to produce a first release candidate (and a stable branch) before RC1 deadline (September 26) * Deliverables following cycle-with-intermediary model can release as necessary, but in all cases before Final RC deadline (October 10) Finally, now is a good time to list contributors to your team who do not have a code contribution, and therefore won't automatically be considered an Active Technical Contributor and allowed to vote in election. This is done by adding extra-atcs to: https://opendev.org/openstack/governance/src/branch/master/reference/project... before the Extra-ATC freeze on August 29. Upcoming Deadlines & Dates -------------------------- Extra-ATC freeze: August 29 (R-7 week) Non-client library freeze: September 05 (R-6 week) Client library freeze: September 12 (R-5 week) Train-3 milestone: September 12 (R-5 week) -- Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)
participants (1)
Sean McGinnis