[all] OSF Community Meeting Presentation & Recordings
Hi everyone, Thank you to those who attended any of the community meetings last week! If you missed one of the calls last week, below are links to the presentation [1], recording in English [2], and recording in Mandarin [3]. A lot of links were discussed and you can find those in the meeting section of the notes as well as the chat from the recordings. We are planning to do this format with project and community updates and OSF event updates quarterly. Stay tuned for the next meeting, and let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. In addition to the quarterly meetings, we would like to hear from the project communities on topics you would like to cover in community meetings or have covered. If you have an idea you would like to share, please drop it in this etherpad [4]. If you see a topic already shared that you would like to collaborate on, please share your name, email and IRC nick next to the topic. Cheers, Allison [1] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l05skj_BCfF8fgYWu4n0b1rQmbNhHp8sMeYc... <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l05skj_BCfF8fgYWu4n0b1rQmbNhHp8sMeYcb-v-rdA/edit?usp=sharing> [2] https://zoom.us/rec/share/7vVXdIvopzxIYbPztF7SVpAKXYnbX6a82iMaqfZfmEl1b0Fqb6... <https://zoom.us/rec/share/7vVXdIvopzxIYbPztF7SVpAKXYnbX6a82iMaqfZfmEl1b0Fqb6j3Zh47qPSV_ar2> [3] https://zoom.us/rec/share/zudNaIrQ6mNLR9Lvr2Xxf5QQIL7geaa8hCcf_vsIxEwoHkn0b8... <https://zoom.us/rec/share/zudNaIrQ6mNLR9Lvr2Xxf5QQIL7geaa8hCcf_vsIxEwoHkn0b8k_fEoYuXLsNi8C?startTime=1585879294000> [4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OSF_Community_Meetings <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OSF_Community_Meetings> Allison Price OpenStack Foundation allison@openstack.org
participants (1)
Allison Price