[cinder] final reviews needed for os-brick yoga release
Hello Argonauts, We are now aiming to release on Tuesday 15 Feb at 20:00 UTC. The list of patches needing review and some comments on their status is here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/os-brick-yoga-release We're in mostly good shape, just need a final sprint to close this out. reviewers: please review! patch authors: please keep an eye on your patches and respond quickly and make sure your CI has responded with success thanks, brian
On 2/12/22 2:38 PM, Brian Rosmaita wrote:
Hello Argonauts,
We are now aiming to release on Tuesday 15 Feb at 20:00 UTC.
Would you believe Thursday 17 Feb? (In other words, we'll be releasing on the regularly scheduled day. My nefarious scheme for us to release os-brick a week early has come to naught.)
The list of patches needing review and some comments on their status is here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/os-brick-yoga-release
Here's a quick summary. There are 2 patches still being worked on: 1. 823654: nvmeof.py - in case of missing "show-hostnqn" command - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/823654 - this one is really close, small revision requested - need to get this in because the version of nvme-cli shipped with kolla/focus doesn't have the show-hostnqn command 2. 811718: nvmeof connector check controller already connected - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-brick/+/811718 - Gorka had a question about a possible race condition; while looking at it again he came across a different bug - we'll have to discuss this in the Wednesday cinder meeting; in the meantime, feel free to review and leave comments
We're in mostly good shape, just need a final sprint to close this out.
reviewers: please review!
patch authors: please keep an eye on your patches and respond quickly and make sure your CI has responded with success
thanks, brian
participants (1)
Brian Rosmaita