[election][nova][placement] PTL candidacy for Yoga
Hello Nova (and Placement) fellows, That's been some time I started to work on OpenStack and Nova in particular (I leave you guessing it [1]) but I feel this is time for me to run for the Nova PTL election and ask you to accept me for this hot seat (which is not a Yoga mat). First and foremost, I'd like to thank gibi for the hard work he did on the previous cycles, especially during this (hopefully) transient situation we currently face which challenges us in terms of teamwork. Running our team gatherings virtually twice is awfully exhausting and I also thank you all for supporting this situation. Hopefully our next PTG will be the last virtual one but who knows. I personally feel Nova now entered a period of quiet but productive pace. We accepted a solid amount of blueprints over the past cycles but we also delivered a decent ratio of them. That said, many challenges occur as of now which as a PTL I have the intention to continue to stress on and engage discussions between us how to solve them : - CI stability : We recently faced a couple of bugs that prevented us to merge code and I have the feeling that some of them are intertwined. I'd like us to identify all the stressing bits so we could prioritize any kind of tech debt fix that would help to gain better stability and not treat them as just standard bugs that we only look after our feature delivery duties. - Upgrades : I'm very happy to say we solved the long-running problem of version-to-next upgrades which are now painless. We have a couple of tools for helping operators to gain confidence before upgrades and we also have CI jobs that prove their stability. That said, I personally feel we now have another dimension of upgrades we barely scratched to define and I would like us to think about them. Placement reshapes and fast-forward-upgrades are for example two new features that Nova supports but I'd like us to take a second and identify all the improvements we could make for those (and prioritize efforts accordingly) - Contributors diversity : I don't think there is any surprise if I say that our Nova community is smaller than before. I don't think it's a problem and as I already said, we're productive. No, the concern that I have is that I'd love to have a way to help contributors that are maybe not having time to develop on Nova as a primary day-to-day job. We started to discuss on ways to define review priorities and I would like to pursue this direction by wondering what and how we could do for those contributors. Either way, I truly respect the ideal of Open Design. Whatever Nova becomes or evolves in the future, every single contributor is part of it and my role will be to make sure we have a consensus. Thanks, -Sylvain [1] 0x7DD
+1 And thanks gibi, an outstanding leader. In recent release, I have contributed some feature for nova, as you said it’s now entered a period of quiet but productive pace, hoping there are many contributors join, and it will be better under your hand. Best Regards brinzhang Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co.,Ltd. 发件人: Sylvain Bauza [mailto:sylvain.bauza@gmail.com] 发送时间: 2021年8月18日 14:38 收件人: openstack-discuss <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> 主题: [lists.openstack.org代发][election][nova][placement] PTL candidacy for Yoga Hello Nova (and Placement) fellows, That's been some time I started to work on OpenStack and Nova in particular (I leave you guessing it [1]) but I feel this is time for me to run for the Nova PTL election and ask you to accept me for this hot seat (which is not a Yoga mat). First and foremost, I'd like to thank gibi for the hard work he did on the previous cycles, especially during this (hopefully) transient situation we currently face which challenges us in terms of teamwork. Running our team gatherings virtually twice is awfully exhausting and I also thank you all for supporting this situation. Hopefully our next PTG will be the last virtual one but who knows. I personally feel Nova now entered a period of quiet but productive pace. We accepted a solid amount of blueprints over the past cycles but we also delivered a decent ratio of them. That said, many challenges occur as of now which as a PTL I have the intention to continue to stress on and engage discussions between us how to solve them : - CI stability : We recently faced a couple of bugs that prevented us to merge code and I have the feeling that some of them are intertwined. I'd like us to identify all the stressing bits so we could prioritize any kind of tech debt fix that would help to gain better stability and not treat them as just standard bugs that we only look after our feature delivery duties. - Upgrades : I'm very happy to say we solved the long-running problem of version-to-next upgrades which are now painless. We have a couple of tools for helping operators to gain confidence before upgrades and we also have CI jobs that prove their stability. That said, I personally feel we now have another dimension of upgrades we barely scratched to define and I would like us to think about them. Placement reshapes and fast-forward-upgrades are for example two new features that Nova supports but I'd like us to take a second and identify all the improvements we could make for those (and prioritize efforts accordingly) - Contributors diversity : I don't think there is any surprise if I say that our Nova community is smaller than before. I don't think it's a problem and as I already said, we're productive. No, the concern that I have is that I'd love to have a way to help contributors that are maybe not having time to develop on Nova as a primary day-to-day job. We started to discuss on ways to define review priorities and I would like to pursue this direction by wondering what and how we could do for those contributors. Either way, I truly respect the ideal of Open Design. Whatever Nova becomes or evolves in the future, every single contributor is part of it and my role will be to make sure we have a consensus. Thanks, -Sylvain [1] 0x7DD
participants (2)
Brin Zhang(张百林)
Sylvain Bauza