Hi, Just a reminder that it's the virtual PTG next week. We have an Etherpad [1] which has lots of information, and remember to register (free) [2] if you haven't already. Kendall sent some useful information [3] recently also. If you plan to attend, please add your name to the Etherpad so we know who to expect for each session (although you are welcome to turn up if you have not). The Etherpad is currently quite light on proposed discussion topics. Please do spend some time to consider what we should be using this time to discuss. It doesn't have to be a shiny new feature, it could be a long standing bug that we should agree on how to address, or a discussion on how to improve our processes. If we are left with time to spare however, I think it will be well spent on some reflection, maintenance, and planning. Cheers, Mark [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kolla-victoria-ptg [2] https://virtualptgjune2020.eventbrite.com/ [3] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/015054.html
participants (1)
Mark Goddard