[ironic] virtual midcycle
Greetings awesome humans, We in the lands of baremetal and irony (err... Ironic, but you get the idea) have been discussing having a virtual midcycle in the next few weeks to help sort through some items and enable us to prioritize the remainder of the development cycle. I've created an etherpad[0], and a doodle poll[1]. Please keep in mind we have active contributors across the globe at this time, so if anyone feels like we need more time windows, please let me know. I'm hoping to schedule the midcycle by early next week. Additional topics are welcome on the etherpad. We will use that to identify how much time we should try and schedule. Thanks everyone! [0] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-wallaby-midcycle [1] https://doodle.com/poll/y9afrz6hhq7s23km?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
participants (1)
Julia Kreger