[tc][all] OpenStack Technical Committee Weekly Summary and Meeting Agenda (2025.1/R-4)
Hello Stackers, Last week, we passed milestone-3 of the 2025.1 "Epoxy" release cycle [1]. With this, we're at the tail end of this release cycle. Next week, we'll be tagging release candidates across the board for all project deliverables following the "cycle-with-rc" release model. By the end of this week, Project Team Leads and liaisons are expected to submit release cycle highlights, capturing important updates that operators and users can expect from each project in the Epoxy release. In the past week, election officials finalized the results of the PTL and TC elections for the next release cycle: 2025.2 "Flamingo" [2][3]. Please join me in congratulating these individuals. I'm especially excited to see a long lineup of first-time PTLs: Matt Crees (mattcrees) leading Blazar, Omer Schwartz (oschwart) leading Designate, Cyril Roelandt (croelandt) leading Glance, Artem Goncharov (gtema) leading Keystone, Dale Smith (dalees) leading Magnum, René Ribaud (uggla) leading Nova, Juan Larriba leading Telemetry, and Jiasirui leading Venus. The community is grateful to past PTLs, many of whom have mentored these new leaders. Additionally, Michal Nasiadka (mnasiadka) has joined the OpenStack TC, replacing Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq), who has served on the TC since the Zed cycle. Thank you for your service, and congratulations! I'd also like to thank Slawek and Ian Y Choi (ianychoi) for their service as the election officials. Later this week, the North American section of the OpenInfra Community will gather in Pasadena, CA, alongside SCALE 2025 [4]. I invite you to join community leaders at the OpenInfra Leadership meet-and-greet event if you're attending. Helena Spease (hspease) tells me there'll be cake to celebrate OpenStack's 15th birthday! [5] === Weekly Meeting === The OpenStack TC met on 2025-02-25 over IRC [6]. The election results were discussed, and we paid special attention to "leaderless" project teams—i.e., teams where no PTL nominations were accepted before the deadline: Oslo, Barbican, Masakari, OpenStack Charms, and Zaqar. Of these, the Oslo team decided to continue following a Distributed Project Leadership model, while the remaining teams are pending PTL appointments. The TC is in discussions with potential candidates. We also shared the TC's PTG Planning Etherpad [7] during the meeting. The TC and the community are encouraged to add topics to this etherpad. The next meeting of the OpenStack TC will be held simultaneously on video (Zoom) and IRC (#openstack-tc on OFTC) tomorrow, 2025-03-04. Please find the agenda for this meeting on the meeting wiki [8]. I hope you'll be able to join us. Remember that you can propose topics for the weekly TC meetings by editing this wiki page. Please leave your IRC nick next to the topic proposed so we can call on you during the meeting. === Governance Proposals === ==== Merged ==== Add TC/PTL results from 2025.2 election | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/942507 Add Extra-ACs to the tech committee repos | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/942296 ==== Open for Review ==== Appoint Mauricio Harley as PTL for Barbican | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/942907 Switch back Oslo to DPL model | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/942793 Resolve to adhere to non-biased language | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/934907 === Upcoming Events === - 2025-03-06: SCALE 2025 + OpenInfra Days NA (Link) - 2025-03-11: OpenInfra Board Meeting (Link) - 2025-04-02: OpenStack 2025.1 ("Epoxy") Release - 2025-04-07 - 2025-04-11: OpenInfra PTG === How to Contact the TC === You can reach the TC in several ways: - Email: Send an email with the tag [tc] on this mailing list. - IRC: Ping us using the 'tc-members' keyword on the #openstack-tc IRC channel on OFTC. - Meetings: Join us at our weekly meeting. The Technical Committee meets every Tuesday at 1800 UTC [8]. Thank you very much for reading! On behalf of the OpenStack TC, Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr) OpenStack TC Chair [1] 2025.1 "Epoxy" Release Schedule: https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html [2] 2025.2 TC Election Results: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [3] 2025.2 PTL Election Results: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [4] OpenInfraDays @ SCALE 2025: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/22x/events/open-infra-days [5] Celebrating 15 years of OpenStack: https://www.openstack.org/blog/celebrating-15-years-of-openstack/ [6] TC Meeting IRC Log 2025-02-25: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2025/tc.2025-02-25-18.00.log.html [7] TC 2025.2 PTG Planning Etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2025-ptg-os-tc [8] TC Meeting Agenda, 2025-03-04: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee#Next_Meeting
participants (1)
Goutham Pacha Ravi