[keystone] Ussuri roadmap
Hi team, In past cycles we used Trello for tracking our goals throughout a cycle, which gave us flexibility and visibility over the cycle plans as a whole in conjunction with specs and launchpad bugs. Trello is a proprietary platform and in the last few months changed its ToS to limit the number of public boards an organization can have, and the keystone team has reached that limit. Rather than try to backup and archive our old boards or create another team or a non-team board, for Ussuri I would like to try using a board on a different platform, Taiga: https://tree.taiga.io/project/keystone-ussuri-roadmap/kanban Taiga is AGPLv3 and has no restrictions on its hosted version that I've discovered yet. Many thanks to Morgan for discovering and researching it. I've copied over our incomplete stories from the Train roadmap[1] and arranged the kanban board more or less the same way as the old Trello board, but the platform seems to be very flexible and we could change the layout and workflows in any way that makes sense. For instance, while I only enabled the kanban feature, there is also a sprints/backlog mode if we wanted to take advantage of that. I can grant administrator privileges to anyone who is interested in investigating all the configuration options (or you can create your own sandbox projects to play with). The main deficiency seems to be the lack of support for "teams" or "organizations"[2], but users can be added to the board individually. Action required: * If you were a member of the old Trello keystone team and would to be a member of this board, send me an email address that I can send an invite to * Once you have an account and are added to the board, please have a look at the stories that are already there an assign yourself to the ones you are working on or plan to work on, and update their status or add relevant reviews as comments. Feel free to play with the platform's features and provide feedback in this thread or at next week's team meeting. Please also let me know if you have concerns about using this platform. Colleen [1] https://trello.com/b/ClKW9C8x/keystone-train-roadmap [2] https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/us/2129
participants (1)
Colleen Murphy