Hey ... I am working in OpenStack StarlingX which supports a Kubernetes cluster and a containerized OpenStack cluster (via openstack-helm). Our OpenStack offering is fairly simple ... only running Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Keystone, Glance, Horizon and Heat ... @ Antelope. In a predecessor of StarlingX, maybe in the Queens(?) timeframe ... we had a Telemetry solution that consisted of: - Ceilometer (for basic data polling, notifications and collection) - Panko (for event DB) - Gnocchi (for time-series DB) - Aodh (for alarming based on metric thresholds, etc.) HOWEVER ... today (Caracal) ... - I think Gnocchi is still alive and well ... https://github.com/gnocchixyz/gnocchi * but maintained outside of OpenStack - I think OpenStack Panko was deprecated in ~ Wallaby ? * and don't think(?) it is maintained outside of OpenStack ? - The OpenStack Landscape at https://www.openstack.org/software/ * shows only Ceilometer and Aodh MY QUESTIONs : ----------------------- - so what are the current recommendations for OpenStack Telemetry ? - is it just Ceilometer and Aodh ? * Does Ceilometer provide DBs ? (like it used to a long time ago) - is Gnocchi (although maintained outside of OpenStack) still supported in the OpenStack environment as a DB option ? - what is used for event DB ? ... now that panko is gone ... Gnocchi ? Ceilometer ? - are there actually multiple options/solutions for OpenStack Telemetry ? e.g. * Ceilometer / Gnocchi / Aodh * Ceilometer / External Elastic Solution / Aodh * Others ? Greg.