Hi, Thanks it was really helpful. I have two backend storages lvm and nexentastor5 over iscsi. The to and fro migration is working fine on LVM backed VMs. The problem looks specifically in nexentastor5 drivers. The migration goes successful but the vm start having IO errors and seeing at nexenta fusion UI, the LUN of that migrated VM was not there. - Ammad On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 8:19 PM Lee Yarwood <lyarwood@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, 17 Feb 2021 at 12:25, Ammad Syed <syedammad83@gmail.com> wrote:
I am using Nexentastor5.3 community edition with cinder victoria. When I
try to do live migrate machine from one host to other host, the volume does deleted from nexentastor.
I see below logs in cinder logs.
2021-02-17 12:14:10.881 79940 INFO cinder.volume.manager
2021-02-17 12:14:20.867 79940 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-37ff44a8-5bf9-4c4d-b114-68e6c0504859 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] Terminate volume connection completed successfully. 2021-02-17 12:14:20.917 79940 WARNING py.warnings [req-37ff44a8-5bf9-4c4d-b114-68e6c0504859 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/evaluator.py:95: SAWarning: Evaluating non-mapped column expression 'updated_at' onto ORM instances;
[req-26344304-7180-4622-9915-b5f2f76ccd3e 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] attachment_update completed successfully. this is a deprecated use case. Please make use of the actual mapped columns in ORM-evaluated UPDATE / DELETE expressions.
The volume is not being deleted here, rather `Terminate volume connection completed successfully.` highlights that the volume attachments for the source compute host are being removed *after* the migration has completed so that the host can no longer access the volume. The `attachment_update completed successfully.` line prior to this is the destination compute host being granted access before the instance is migrated.
Hope this helps,
-- Regards, Syed Ammad Ali