---- On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 06:43:18 -0600 Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote ----
Dnia środa, 6 stycznia 2021 13:00:31 CET Herve Beraud pisze:
Hello everyone,
Here is an email to officialize our position on Olso concerning our lower-constraints testing policy. Indeed we reached a consensus during our last meeting and all the Oslo cores who spoke agreed with this decision to drop the L.C tests [1].
So we already started to drop lower-constraints jobs on Oslo to unlock our gates.
Sorry if my question shouldn't be in that thread but does that mean that other projects should/can drop lower constraints jobs too? Is it some general, OpenStack wide decision or it depends on the project?
Yeah this is a good question till now we have been discussing specific project wise dropping like oslo in this thread and Ironic and other projects in another discussion. I am starting a separate thread to discuss it for all the projects as a general recommendation. -http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-January/019672.h... -gmann
Thanks to everyone who joined the discussion and thanks for reading!
[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/oslo/2021/oslo.2021-01-04-16.00.log. txt #topic Dropping lower-constraints testing
Le ven. 18 déc. 2020 à 20:34, Moises Guimaraes de Medeiros <
moguimar@redhat.com> a écrit :
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 4:46 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com>
---- On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 08:54:26 -0600 hberaud <hberaud@redhat.com>
wrote ----
Hello, As you already surely know, we (the openstack project) currently face
some issues with our lower-constraints jobs due to pip's latest resolver feature.
By discussing this topic with Thierry Carrez (ttx) from an oslo point
of view, we reached the same conclusion that it is more appropriate to drop this kind of tests because the complexity and recurring pain neededto maintain them now exceeds the benefits provided by this mechanismes.
Also we should notice that the number of active maintainers is
declining, so we think that this is the shortest path to solve this problem on oslo for now and for the future too.
In a first time I tried to fix our gates by fixing our
lower-constraints project by project but with around ~36 projects to maintain this is a painful task, especially due to nested oslo layers inside oslo himself... I saw the face of the hell of dependencies.
So, in a second time I submitted a series of patches to drop these
tests [1].
But before moving further with that we would appreciate discussing
this with the TC. For now the patches are ready and we just have to push the good button accordingly to our choices (+W or abandon).
Normally all the oslo projects that need to be fixed are covered by
+1, I think it's not worth to keep maintaining them which is taking too much effort.
Thanks for reading.
https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22oslo_lc_drop%22+(status:open%20OR%2 0status:merged)>>
-- Hervé BeraudSenior Software Engineer at Red Hatirc: hberaudhttps://
wsFcBAABCAAQBQJb4AwCCRAHwXRBNkGNegAALSkQAHrotwCiL3VMwDR0vcja10Q+ Kf31yCutl5bAlS7tOKpPQ9XN4oC0ZSThyNNFVrg8ail0SczHXsC4rOrsPblgGRN+ RQLoCm2eO1AkB0ubCYLaq0XqSaO+Uk81QxAPkyPCEGT6SRxXr2lhADK0T86kBnMP F8RvGolu3EFjlqCVgeOZaR51PqwUlEhZXZuuNKrWZXg/oRiY4811GmnvzmUhgK5G 5+f8mUg74hfjDbR2VhjTeaLKp0PhskjOIKY3vqHXofLuaqFDD+WrAy/NgDGvN22g glGfj472T3xyHnUzM8ILgAGSghfzZF5Skj2qEeci9cB6K3Hm3osj+PbvfsXE/7Kw m/xtm+FjnaywZEv54uCmVIzQsRIm1qJscu20Qw6Q0UiPpDFqD7O6tWSRKdX11UTZ hwVQTMh9AKQDBEh2W9nnFi9kzSSNu4OQ1dRMcYHWfd9BEkccezxHwUM4Xyov5Fe0 qnbfzTB1tYkjU78loMWFaLa00ftSxP/DtQ//iYVyfVNfcCwfDszXLOqlkvGmY1/Y F1ON0ONekDZkGJsDoS6QdiUSn8RZ2mHArGEWMV00EV5DCIbCXRvywXV43ckx8Z+3 B8qUJhBqJ8RS2F+vTs3DTaXqcktgJ4UkhYC2c1gImcPRyGrK9VY0sCT+1iA+wp/O v6rDpkeNksZ9fFSyoY2o =ECSj -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Moisés Guimarães
Software Engineer
Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com>
-- Hervé Beraud Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat irc: hberaud https://github.com/4383/ https://twitter.com/4383hberaud
-- Slawek Kaplonski Principal Software Engineer Red Hat