There are two settings we've tweaked in the past in Nova. shuffle_best_same_weighed_hosts --> Allow more spreading in the case of computes with the exact same specs/weights. host_subset_size --> Helps with concurrent requests to get different hosts Before that, we saw the same behavior with Openstack stacking VM on single computes. It still respects anti-affinity, but I don't see a good reason to not spread as a default. Changing these two was enough to allow our spread to get a little better. On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 11:19 AM Franck VEDEL <> wrote:
Hello, I seem to have a problem that I hadn't seen. I have 3 servers for my openstack, built with Kolla-ansible, I'm in Victoria version. I had simply put the 3 servers in the [compute] part of the multinode file, at first it worked, but for some time all the VMs are placed on server 1.
The 3 servers are operational, identical. here are 3 screenshots to show it. (on the images, the instances on servers 2 and 3 are present because it worked correctly, but no more instances are created on these servers now)
I tried to understand how the instances are distributed on the servers, but in my case, I don't understand why none are assigned to the 2nd and 3rd server. How to find the problem? It should be nova-scheduler . Do you have to do anything special? Go see if a parameter has a bad value?
Thanks in advance if you can help me.
Franck VEDEL