My crm_mon also shows no resources, I think it is normal.


Fencing is done through creating segments, then adding hosts to said segments.   My fencing mimics my availability zones.


From: Budai Laszlo <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 9:09 AM
To: OpenStack Discuss <>
Subject: [openstack-ansible] [masakari]


Dear All,

I'm evaluating Masakari for instance HA and I need to install it using openstack-ansible. I'm doing it initially in a small test cluster (3 controller, and 3 compute).

The install went trough and now when I'm checking the status of the corosync cluster I see the following:

root@worker1:~# crm_mon -1
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: worker2 (version 2.1.2-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Wed Jun 19 16:02:01 2024
  * Last change:  Wed Jun 19 15:29:37 2024 by hacluster via crmd on worker2
  * 3 nodes configured
  * 0 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ worker1 worker2 worker3 ]

Active Resources:
  * No active resources

is it normal that there are no resources configured? What about the fencing, how should I configure it? Are you aware of any documentation where I could find mori info about configuring fencing (especially in the context of openstack-ansible)?

Thank you for any advice.


Kind regards,