1 Feb
1 Feb
4:01 p.m.
On Fri, Feb 01, 2019 at 08:25:03AM -0600, Eric Fried wrote:
Yeah, I had been assuming it would be some tag in the commit message. If we ultimately enact different flows of varying complexity, the tag syntax could be enriched so students in different courses/grades could get different experiences. For example:
Bot-Reviewer: <name-of-osi-course>
Bot-Reviewer: Level 2
Bot-Reviewer: initial-downvote, merge-conflict, series-depth=3
Something like that would work well. A nice thing about it is it begins the process of teaching about other tags we but in commit messages.
The possibilities are endless :P
:) Of course it should be Auto-Bot[1] instead of Bot-Reviewer ;P Yours Tony. [1] The bike shed it pink!