Hello Everyone, As you might have noticed the discussion in infra channel, log size are increasing a lot and one of the main reasons is warnings (especially repeatedly warnings). Few of them are from oslo policy on new policy and DeprecdatedRule. However, those are not the only warnings, there are lot from other lib also. Before we start facing more issues in logging system and indexing, we would request all the project team to start looking at the logs and fix the warnings as much as possible. I started fixing few of the oslo policy warning on DeprecatedRule in applicable projects and once all patches are merged, we can convert them to error from oslo side to avoid any future warnings- https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22fix-oslo-policy-warnings%22+(status:op...) [1] https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2021/tc.2021-07-08-15.00.log.html#l... -gmann