the main reason we do not have an offical fourm any more is that we do not have
enough contibutors to maintain one. 

In my entire life, I've never seen a technology that's used so widely, but so few people are involved in. At this point, I can nearly name all the active OpenStackers in the United States off the top of my head.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 4:57 AM Sean Mooney <> wrote:
On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 13:33 +0700, Nguyễn Hữu Khôi wrote:
> In my view,
> Having an official forum will make our projects grow faster and users can
> access Openstack easier.
> Take a look at K8S or Icinga. They are very good at helping people to
> access their platform by having a nice forum.
> I can help set up and configure the forum.
> I hope Openstack will become more and more mature and grow.
openstack has had 26 releases over 10+ years and many we would see it as a very mature comunity.
in fact it has past the hype/fast groth phases and is into the more stable grandule eveolving and sustaining
phase. the main reason we do not have an offical fourm any more is that we do not have
enough contibutors to maintain one. as was noted in the tread that is why was removed.

the opendev infra team is small and manages alot of service on behalf of the comunity
our prvious fourm attempt largely went unmainteined for years. if one was to be created again
it would need to be automated, maintaiend and hosted with several people commiting to maintaining it.

it would likely be better to collaberate with an exsitign froum or opensouce comunity then host our own
at this point. e.g. stackoverflow or perhaps a matrix/mastadon space of some kind.

the other problem is getting the people with the knowlage to partake.
many wont have the time to be active in such a fourm.

many of the active members of our comunity have been wearing 2 or 3 hats already and may not have
the mental bandwith to also act as support in an offical fourm and answer questions. that would leave
the questions eitehr unanswered or to experinced users/operators.

some of the more exprience operators may have bandwith to step in, in fact having an operator lead fourm might be more interesting as
if there is a common issue and/or a solution that they comeup with that could be feed back to the project
teams to fix or implement for them. its equally likely they will be busy running there clouds and the questions will be
unansered or poorly answered.

its a gap i just dont know if its one that can be simply filled.

> Nguyen Huu Khoi
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:34 PM T Koksal <> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I totally agree with Nguyen! I believe, as a new comer into Openstack I
> > have concluded that there is the expectation from the user the to have
> > pre-existing knowledge of the platforms. Additionally, the documentation is
> > all-over and unstructured for someone wanting to learn.
> >
> > TK
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 7:05 AM Bernd Bausch <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > There used to be, but since nobody maintained the
> > > website, it became unreliable and was eventually disbanded. At the time, we
> > > were encouraged to ask questions at and, in case it's
> > > related to programming, There is also
> > >, which is probably less "official"
> > > but seems more lively than the two Stackexchange sites.
> > >
> > > On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 7:56 AM Nguyễn Hữu Khôi <
> > >> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello guys.
> > > >
> > > > Openstack is a very interesting project, many questions from users will
> > > > make it grow more and more but I see that people, including me, still ask
> > > > the same question. It is hard to sort or find knowledge by this way.
> > > >
> > > > If we hope this project spreads for people, we need a new way to share
> > > > knowledge and skills, we are in the modern world but the way to access and
> > > > exchange information in this project is too obsolete. This is a wall to
> > > > slow down this project.
> > > > Nguyen Huu Khoi
> > > >
> > >