Thank you for your response. On Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 1:25 AM Carlos Silva <> wrote:
Hello, sorry for the late reply
Em sáb., 16 de jul. de 2022 às 13:28, Vaibhav <> escreveu:
I want to mount my Manila shares on containers managed by Zun.
I can see a Fuxi project and driver for this but it is discontinued now.
I want to have a shared file system to be mounted on multiple containers simultaneously, it is not possible with cinder.
Is there any alternative to Fuxi?
I can't think of many by looking at the use case. Isn't there anything on Zun itself that allows the shares to be mounted directly in the containers?
No, Zun gives only option of cinder volumes to be mounted. With cinder I am not able to have a shared file system among the containers, which I want to have.
Or can it work with yoga release ?
I would not say so, as the project is no longer maintained and the
latest commit is from 2017.
Please advise and give a suggestion.
Regards, Vaibhav