---- On Wed, 01 Dec 2021 16:43:32 -0600 Jean-Philippe Evrard <openstack@a.spamming.party> wrote ----
On Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 23:31, Julia Kreger wrote:
It feels like this is a giant "no win situation", It feels like we have created a bunch of basically immovable, insurmountable conflicting obstacles. Kind of like a self digging holes. I'm worried not even hacker-Kirk can save us. Well, maybe his answer might actually be to abolish the integrated release so he can not only rescue the operators on the ship, but also beam them the tools they need to move forward. Granted, that is change, and human nature is a thing. :(
Well, I feel completely differently. For me, people are using different words, and are in agreement in some points. Or maybe I am reading this wrong?
Here is what I read: 1) Many want more releases, not less. I haven't seen a complaint about tagging more releases. 2) More than one person is proposing to abandon the integrated release, and nobody has complained about it. 3) Many people seem eager to carry "stable branches" for "critical patches", but no new definition of such criticality was done. 4) Many people want to make sure it's easy to upgrade, and with less steps for operations.
I don't see any conflicts, just areas for improvement, for those who have been participating on this topic.
Can someone clarify if I have tunnel vision/bias (as it seems exactly what I proposed in my first answer)?
TC is planning to discuss this topic on 3rd Feb 16:00 UTC, let us know if the time works fine. Accordingly, I will send the joining link. -gmann
Thank you in advance.
Regards, Jean-Philippe Evrard (evrardjp)