Hey all,
Last week I spent some time parsing through an assortment of recent CI failures on Nova patches and made a list, if anyone else is interested in looking at issues:
I didn't link specific job runs logs because those can and will expire after ~10 days, so for each item I included an OpenSearch query term that can be used to find sample logs and get an idea of the frequency of a given failure. Note that some query terms will register more than one appearance in a Gerrit change -- this can be due to failure in multiple jobs on the same change or the query might not be unique enough. I tried to make the queries as unique as possible. You can add columns like "build_change" and "build_name" to the search result by clicking "+" on the left bar "Available fields" to see duplication or to make comparisons.
To search for a list of build failures, go to the OpenSearch dashboard:
and login with Username: openstack and Password: openstack:
Then copy paste the OpenSearch query into the search box and
adjust the time range (the default of the last 30 minutes will
probably have no results):