On 2024-03-15 10:36:20 -0400 (-0400), Brian Haley wrote:
On 3/15/24 2:00 AM, KK CHN wrote:
Am I the first person to do AIO in the wrong way ? No response from the list/ community members !!!
How can newbies get inlined in the complex OpenStack suite ? If there is a roadblock how can newbies get help if the learning curve is so steep ?
First, please be patient. The community tries to respond to all emails on this list, but it's on a best-effort basis, and since yesterday was a big release milestone priorities are on other things. [...]
I've snipped the technical troubleshooting suggestions since my reply is more of a general nature. You should also be aware that Internet networking is a very complicated subject, one some of us have spent decades-long careers learning and keeping on top of, so yes the learning curve *is* steep, and necessarily so. OpenStack lets you automate a lot of technologies, but it doesn't relieve you from the responsibility of understanding those technologies, nor can the OpenStack community teach them to you. There are volumes written on these subjects and you will spend years reading and experimenting in order to have any hope of using them effectively. The tools and knowledge you use to troubleshoot network problems in an OpenStack deployment will, for the most part, be the same tools and knowledge you use to troubleshoot network problems anywhere else. In order to ask intelligent questions about your problem, you'll need to demonstrate that you've already checked the things you would for similar problems in a non-OpenStack environment, and what you found when doing so. Then, OpenStack subject matter experts on this mailing list will be able to point out subtle places where your analysis of the problem falls short due to OpenStack-specific nuances. -- Jeremy Stanley