Quick question here (maybe I don't have the whole context). Isn't it possible to use tools like skopeo to do this image sync and avoid adding code that will be eventually more complex to maintain? Cheers, Carlos. On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 3:05 PM Arx Cruz <arxcruz@redhat.com> wrote:
I just wrote a tool in go that is right now copying every 2 hours all the containers from rdo registry to quay.io.
Right now it's copying all branches: master, victoria, ussuri, train, stein, queens and rocky. You can see the containers in https://quay.io/tripleo{release} for example https://quay.io/tripleomaster
The tool basically searches for container build jobs with success status, parse the containers that was built, copy these containers to quay.io and tag it with current-tripleo and the built hash.
The code it's based on skopeo, and I did not use it, because there are some other stuff required on quay.io side that requires the use of quay.io api, like create an already public repository, parsing the tripleo container build job, tagging, etc. Also I wanted to play with go :)
Right now the code is under review at https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/31133/ and I got it running on our toolbox, and he's an log example (without the --debug flag)
time="2020-11-19T12:06:17Z" level=info msg="Copying image centos-binary-horizon:4fad79713786f77292e59fa1c036f588 in tripleoussuri namespace" time="2020-11-19T12:06:18Z" level=info msg="Tagging current-tripleo to sha256:db39e7d43d4c8eec82f61acd4956d7f165b595d515f270f8dabe0c9b009c95f2" "Updated"
time="2020-11-19T12:06:19Z" level=info msg="Copying image centos-binary-ceilometer-base:4fad79713786f77292e59fa1c036f588 in tripleoussuri namespace" time="2020-11-19T12:06:20Z" level=info msg="Tagging current-tripleo to sha256:5eee849a9f74d0107cbfd2f456f701be37256ea711079cffcc189d140e8f3176" "Updated"
time="2020-11-19T12:06:21Z" level=info msg="Copying image centos-binary-gnocchi-base:4fad79713786f77292e59fa1c036f588 in tripleoussuri namespace" time="2020-11-19T12:06:22Z" level=info msg="Tagging current-tripleo to sha256:5b46ea43d41e56dd81005a234631905a8ad594ef8432ae78542392114956f85e" "Updated"
If you want to play around with this, feel free to do so, and any feedback is welcome :)
Kind regards,
Arx Cruz
Software Engineer
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com>
arxcruz@redhat.com @RedHat <https://twitter.com/redhat> Red Hat <https://www.linkedin.com/company/red-hat> Red Hat <https://www.facebook.com/RedHatInc> <https://www.redhat.com>