   you should check which network is using the vlan xxx in neutron, if the network is not intended for  octavia management, you should delete it or change a new vlan id for octavia. otherwise, you could try to stop creating management network in kolla deployment by the flowing steps:
   I saw you  perform  a reconfigure action, so i assume you have an already worked cluster.
1. set octavia_auto_configure to false in you global.yaml.
2. set the flowing opts in gloabl.yaml
    octavia_amp_image_owner_id:  the value you can find in your exists config file(e.g.  /etc/kolla/octavia-api/octavia.conf : amp_image_owner_id)
    octavia_amp_boot_network_list :  the vale of `amp_boot_network_list in octavia.conf 
    octavia_amp_secgroup_list:   the value of `amp_secgroup_list`  in octavia.conf 
     octavia_amp_flavor_id:    the value of `amp_flavor_id ` in "octavia.config"
3. re-run reconfigure action.

refer to: https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/blob/master/etc/kolla/globals.yml#L778


Nguyễn Hữu Khôi <nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> 于2023年7月13日周四 00:48写道:
Hello guys.

I am using openstack yoga by kolla-ansible but when i reconfigure octavia then it stucked at 

TASK [octavia : Create loadbalancer management network]

\"Unable to create the network. The VLAN xxx on physical network physnet1 is in use.\

I see that it cannot create lb network because someone used it.

Will we need to change some kolla-ansible tasks to fix it?

Thank you very much.

Nguyen Huu Khoi