After adding the role manually it PASSES that task but I'm very curious why it failed in the first place. $ openstack role add --user=magnum_trustee_domain_admin --user-domain magnum --domain magnum admin My ansible and kolla-ansible versions are following: # ansible --version ansible [core 2.14.11] config file = None configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible python version = 3.10.12 (main, Jun 11 2023, 05:26:28) [GCC 11.4.0] (/usr/bin/python3) jinja version = 3.1.2 libyaml = True # kolla-ansible --version 16.1.1 On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 10:25 PM Satish Patel <> wrote:
fatal: [os-eng-ctrl-01]: FAILED! => { "action": "os_user_role", "changed": false, "extra_data": { "data": null, "details": "None", "response": "None" }, "invocation": { "module_args": { "api_timeout": null, "auth": { "auth_url": "", "domain_name": "default", "password": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "project_name": "admin", "user_domain_name": "default", "username": "admin" }, "auth_type": null, "ca_cert": "", "cacert": "", "client_cert": null, "client_key": null, "domain": "9fe7eaf3d3184dfd8a04a091dd3801be", "endpoint_type": "internal", "group": null, "interface": "internal", "project": null, "region_name": "eng", "role": "admin", "sdk_log_level": "INFO", "sdk_log_path": null, "state": "present", "system": null, "timeout": 180, "user": "magnum_trustee_domain_admin", "validate_certs": null, "wait": true } }, "msg": "Must specify either a user or a group" }
This is where the module failed. Why is it asking to specify a user or group?
On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 5:42 PM Satish Patel <> wrote:
I am deploying magnum using openstack release 2023.1 but getting this error. But I have a similar deployment running in another datacenter which didn't give any error. What could be the problem?
TASK [magnum : Creating Magnum trustee user] **************************************************************************************** ok: [os-eng-ctrl-01]
TASK [magnum : Creating Magnum trustee user role] *********************************************************************************** fatal: [os-eng-ctrl-01]: FAILED! => {"action": "os_user_role", "changed": false, "extra_data": {"data": null, "details": "None", "response": "None"}, "msg": "Must specify either a user or a group"}