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Hello OpenStack Community,
I hope you are doing well.
I am currently deploying OpenStack on top of a Kubernetes cluster using OpenStack Helm and aiming to install the 2023.1 (Antelope) version. However, I am facing difficulties in installing this specific version via Helm charts. Despite my
attempts, I have not been able to successfully deploy the required OpenStack services for this release.
Additionally, I am ensuring that the dependent services, such as RabbitMQ, align with the compatibility requirements of OpenStack 2023.1. As per the OpenStack documentation, RabbitMQ 3.11 is the recommended version, but I encountered
issues while deploying it. Instead, I found that RabbitMQ 3.12 works without any issues.
I would like to know:
I would appreciate any guidance, best practices, or documentation references that could help resolve these challenges.
Looking forward to your valuable insights.
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