
This is a reminder that the weekly Technical Committee meeting is to be held Tuesday, October 3. As it is the first meeting of the month, we'll be meeting via video chat. Use the following link to connect:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87108541765?pwd=emlXVXg4QUxrUTlLNDZ2TTllWUM3Zz09.

The proposed agenda for the meeting is:
* Roll call
* Follow up on past action items
** Action items from Sept 26, 2023 meeting: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2023/tc.2023-09-26-18.00.html
* Gate health check
* Leaderless projects (gmann)
* Call for volunteers for Vice-Chair
* Open Discussion and Reviews
* Register for the PTG
** #link https://openinfra.dev/ptg/
** #link https://review.opendev.org/q/projects:openstack/governance+is:open

Thank you,
Jay Faulkner
TC Chair