Please find below the agenda for today's meeting

* Roll call
* Follow up on past action items
* Gate health check
* Broken docs due to inconsistent release naming
* Schedule of removing support for Python versions by libraries - how it should align with coordinated releases (tooz case)
* Recurring tasks check
** Bare 'recheck' state
* Open Reviews

On May 22, 2023, at 1:52 PM, Nikolla, Kristi <> wrote:

Hi all,

This is a reminder that the next weekly Technical Committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 1800 UTC on #openstack-tc on OFTC IRC.

Please propose items to the agenda by editing the wiki page at

At the end of the day I will send out an email with the finalized agenda.

Thank you,
Kristi Nikolla