Greetings everyone, It seems the most popular times are January 21st and 22nd between 2 PM and 6 PM UTC. Please add any topics for discussion to the etherpad[1] as soon as possible. I will propose a schedule and agenda in the next day or two. -Julia [1]: On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 9:10 AM Julia Kreger <> wrote:
Greetings everyone!
It seems we have coalesced around January 21st and 22nd. I have posted a poll[1] with time windows in two hour blocks so we can reach a consensus on when we should meet.
Please vote for your available time windows so we can find the best overlap for everyone. Additionally, if there are any topics or items that you feel would be a good use of the time, please feel free to add them to the planning etherpad[2].