
As discussed in PTG, I had added horizon-core into tacker-horizon-core team. Thanks for your support.

Thanks & Regards
Dharmendra Kushwaha

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 6:20 PM Ivan Kolodyazhny <e0ne@e0ne.info> wrote:
Hi team,

As you may know, we've got a pretty big list of Horizon Plugins [1]. Unfortunately, not all of them are in active development due to the lack of resources in projects teams.

As a Horizon team, we understand all the reasons, and we're doing our best to help other teams to maintain plugins.

That's why we're proposing our help to maintain horizon plugins. We raised this topic during the last Horizon weekly meeting [2] and we'll have some discussion during the PTG [3] too.

There are a lot of Horizon changes which affect plugins and horizon team is ready to help: 
- new Django versions
- dependencies updates 
- Horizon API changes
- etc.

To get faster fixes in, it would be good to have +2 permissions for the horizon-core team for each plugin.

We helped Heat team during the last cycle adding horizon-core to the heat-dashboard-core team. Also, we've got +2 on other plugins via global project config [4] and via Gerrit configuration for  (neutron-*aas-dashboard, tuskar-ui).

Vitrage PTL agreed to do the same for vitrage-dashboard during the last meeting [5].

Of course, it's up to each project to maintain horizon plugins and it's responsibilities but I would like to raise this topic to the TC too. I really sure, that it will speed up some critical fixes for Horizon plugins and makes users and operators experience better.

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/install/plugin-registry.html
[2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2019/horizon.2019-10-16-15.02.log.html#l-128
[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-u-ptg
[4] http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=horizon-core&i=nope&files=&repos=openstack/project-config
[5] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/vitrage/2019/vitrage.2019-10-23-08.03.log.html#l-21

Ivan Kolodyazhny,