Hello Everyone, The PTL and TC Nomination period is now over. The official candidate lists for PTLs [0] and TC seats [1] are available on the election website. -- PTL Election Details -- There are 17 projects without candidates, so according to this resolution[2], the TC will have to decide how the following projects will proceed: Adjutant, Freezer, Heat, Magnum, Masakari, Monasca, Murano, OpenStack_Charms, Openstack_Chef, Senlin, Skyline, Solum, Trove, Venus, Watcher, Zaqar, Zun There are 0 projects that will have elections. -- TC Election Details -- The 5 seats were filled and no runoff is required. Now begins the campaigning period where candidates and electorate may debate their statements. Thank you, [0] https://governance.openstack.org/election/#z-ptl-candidates [1] https://governance.openstack.org/election/#z-tc-candidates [2] https://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20141128-elections-process-for-... -gmann & The OpenStack Technical Election Officials