+1, we would also be interested in helping out. Let me know where we can help out with reviews, writing code, testing, etc. -- Felix Huettner
+1, I'm also interested in this topic. I did some tests with nats-py to see how it works and I'm volunteering to go further with this technology. Let me know if you need reviews, help etc...
Le jeu. 1 sept. 2022 à 15:50, Tobias Urdin <mailto:tobias.urdin@binero.com> a écrit : Hello Kai,
Great to hear that you're interested! I'm currently just testing this as a POC directly in devstack so there is real-world testing (not should it yet I think, needs more development first).
Best regards Tobias
On 30 Aug 2022, at 18:32, Kai Bojens <mailto:kb@kbojens.de> wrote:
Am 29.08.22 um 15:46 schrieb Tobias Urdin:
If anybody, or any company, out there would be interested in collaborating in a project to bring this support and maintain it feel free to reach out. I'm hoping somebody will bite but atleast I've put it out there for all of you.
Hi, I am very much interested to take a closer look at your work and maybe contribute to it. Although I'm working with OpenStack for my employer at the moment, I'd do this in my spare time as I'm not sure that I can convince him to add another staging system with a full OpenStack installation just for developing a RabbitMQ replacement. That's not on our agenda as we are mostly users and not developers of OpenStack.
As I'm pretty new to the messaging topic and had just heard of NATS and your idea, I'll first would have to dive into NATS and then I would take a closer look at your code and maybe try to create some documentation or tests. So, I can't promise anything but as I said I'm very interested in your approach as I also see the massive load from RabbitMQ.
This brings me to the most important question: Where do you run and test your code?
Greetings, Kai
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