On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 09:18:19AM +0200, Natal Ngétal wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm little lost or totally lost, actually. Sorry if a mail have already sent, I have not find it. If I have understood correctly, the url to use for the constraints is:
Correct, that is the preferred URL on master with https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/$series being the form on stable branches.
One question, this rule is the same for all projects? I'm also bit confused, I know the oslo projects must be use this url, and I have a patch is blocked for this reason:
This is on stable/stein where we need it to match the form above to enable os-vif to out live openstack-requirements
The url is not good in master also, so I have make a patch for it:
Thanks, the requirements team has committed to making this change, so you can expect a conflicting change in the near future ;P
So why I'm confused, because in the same project, few patches with the bad url was validate or merge:
https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655650/ https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655649/ https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655648/ https://review.opendev.org/#/c/655640/
So which url must be used for constraints and this a global for all openstack projects? Then can we be careful, when we review a patch about this and not mixed up both url.
The bottom line is these patches were generated by a well meaning but slightly out of touch member of the community. They're not wrong, they're just not the preferred direction for the requirements team. on *master* you can use the git URLs and ignore/abandon the changes the requirements team generate. I'll be a little sad if you do as then master is more different to a stable branch but nothing will break if you point directly at opedev.org/.../master/.../upper-constraints.txt. The same isn't true for stable/$series. Using git will break just not for somewhere between 1-4 years from now. Yours Tony.