Hi Bekir,

DB2 datastore driver has not been maintained for a long time, to make it work:

1. We need some volunteer.
2. The drive needs to be refactored.
3. CI job needs to be added for the datastore.

Lingxian Kong
Senior Cloud Engineer (Catalyst Cloud)
Trove PTL (OpenStack)
OpenStack Cloud Provider Co-Lead (Kubernetes)

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 3:22 AM Bekir Fajkovic <bekir.fajkovic@citynetwork.eu> wrote:

One question regarding the development status of DB2 inside Trove. I see that DB2 is still in experimental
phase, when could it be expected for that datastore type to get production ready status?

Best Regards.

Bekir Fajkovic
Senior DBA
Mobile: +46 70 019 48 47

www.citynetwork.eu | www.citycloud.com

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