
Thank you so much for all you have done as a member of the TC!

Amy (spotz)

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 6:41 AM Chris Dent <> wrote:

Next week sees the start of election season for the TC [1]. People
often worry that incumbents always get re-elected so it is
considered good form to announce if you are an incumbent and do
not intend to run.

I do not intend to run. I've done two years and that's enough. When
I was first elected I had no intention of doing any more than one
year but at the end of the first term I had not accomplished much of
what I hoped, so stayed on. Now, at the end of the second term I
still haven't accomplished much of what I hoped, so I think it is
time to focus my energy in the places where I've been able to get
some traction and give someone else—someone with a different
approach—a chance.

If you're interested in being on the TC, I encourage you to run. If
you have questions about it, please feel free to ask me, but also
ask others so you get plenty of opinions. And do your due diligence:
Make sure you're clear with yourself about what the TC has been,
is now, what you would like it to be, and what it can be.

Elections are fairly far in advance of the end of term this time
around. I'll continue in my TC responsibilities until the end of
term, which is some time in April. I'm not leaving the community or
anything like that, I'm simply narrowing my focus. Over the past
several months I've been stripping things back so I can be sure that
I'm not ineffectively over-committing myself to OpenStack but am
instead focusing where I can be most useful and make the most
progress. Stepping away from the TC is just one more part of that.

Thanks very much for the experiences and for the past votes.


Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶ 
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent