On 2024-05-16 12:31:15 +0100 (+0100), smooney@redhat.com wrote: [...]
yes and no. the nova teams capacity is fairly limited these days. we have between 5-10 active contributors depending on how you look at it. refining that by the people that understand our use of eventlet and can review the code and factor in have the time rewrite the relevnet code while being upstream consistently enought to actually make progress that probably means about 3-5 people could actually do this.
at lesat 2 of those people are actively working on finisnhing multi cycle efforts and the rest including myself are heavily engaged in dowstream work or work in other projects that limits our upstream review and development time for at least the next 3-6 months. [...]
Not to trivialize the Nova team's struggles, but that's a luxurious amount of active contributors compared to other teams (and yes, Nova is larger and more complex than almost anything else in OpenStack, so it's not as many people as it sounds like, I get that). I do still think that Hervé is right about Nova being in a better situation than, say, some service limping along on one or two part-time contributors for whom the thread model they've inherited is largely a black box they're afraid to touch because they don't even know how to debug it effectively. Then again, maybe forcing everyone to move off Eventlet will help us identify more services that aren't sufficiently maintained any longer, and retire them. -- Jeremy Stanley