Hey all, I was attempting to perform a release of all maintained Ironic branches. The long term support branches cut as part of the integrated OpenStack release have been requested via gerrit, as documented ( https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/860125 ). We have intermediate bugfix releases as well, and I was hoping to get patch releases cut from these as well. As far as I can tell, there is no automation for performing these releases, or an official place to request them. If this is wrong; please correct me and I'm happy to go through the proper process. We know that the majority of consumers pull these from git directly; but checking pypi release notes, we had over 6000 downloads of the 21.0.0 and 20.2.0 releases during the 2/4 months of the Zed cycle they had respectively been released, so I do think there's value in releasing these even if it might be a small amount of manual effort. Below is a list of the Ironic projects, and associated bugfix/ branches I'd like to have a patch (bugfix) release cut for: ironic - bugfix/21.0 - bugfix/20.2 - bugfix/19.0 - bugfix/18.1 ironic-inspector - bugfix/11.0 - bugfix/10.12 - bugfix/10.9 - bugfix/10.7 ironic-python-agent - bugfix/9.0 - bugfix/8.6 - bugfix/8.3 - bugfix/8.1 Thanks, Jay Faulkner